Friday, December 14, 2012

Create a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) - Part03

This is the interface of my SMF .

i mean first interface after done the installation.

Now, i will try to change the templates FORUM and set up my FORUM until it looks more cute like me. hehe.

1. i have search for SMF templates. googl-ing i mean.
2. then i download about 4-5 templates that im interest to my MAC.
3. i compress the files to tar.bz2 n upload the files to my server.

cmd ::
- open vbox

- open my MAC terminal. ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:~ aaliyahdora$ cd Downloads -> ls

- then i upload all the templates files to the server. ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp green-ornamental. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp Boxit_2. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp Salava_1_0_x. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp extreme. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp dzinerstudio_urban. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp Dirt_3. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp WoW_2. tar.bz2 dora@ ** Aaliyahs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads aaliyahdora$ scp Dirt_3_SMF2. tar.bz2 dora@

- extract the files in folder themes. - open SMF and import the file from server.


let say i want to import extreme templates folder

- FROM A DIRECTORY FROM SERVER :/home/dora/public_html/Themes/extreme

- Copy of Default named : extreme

- click install

then you can choose to use which one templates you want in 
"OVERALL FORUM DEFAULT" & Reset it to everyone.
example of templates in my SMF.

for the first time doing this, i got a problem..

when i click to install the templates from the server, it's always
appear the link like this ::

****  [That theme directory doesn't exist, or doesn't contain a theme!]

for   [dora@localhost Boxit_2]$ pwd
      >> /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Boxit_2

****  if i success installing the themes, templates that i download dont 
      hav the image and backgound.

noted :: this is because centOS6 got little problem with chmod/permission.

then i tried to chmod all my templates files.

cmd ::

try n error :

[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Boxit_2/* 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Boxit_2/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 

**** when i used this 2 cmd, i can see the Boxit_2 template name already
     in the list of template in my SMF but when i choose the template as
     default.. there's no background & image attach. it is just like a 
     plain html without css.

then i try this cmd :

[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Boxit_2/

**** when i reload the pages. it's well done. suddenly i got beautiful 
     templates in my SMF. Then i do the command to all the templates 
     folder in server.

[dora@localhost Themes]$
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Dirt_3_SMF2/* 
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Dirt_3_SMF2/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Dirt_3_SMF2/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777/home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/WoW_2/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/WoW_2/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/WoW_2/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/WoW_2/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Catalysm_2/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Catalysm_2/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Catalysm_2/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/green-ornamental/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/green-ornamental/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/green-ornamental/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/extreme/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/extreme/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/extreme/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Salava_1_0_x/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Salava_1_0_x/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Salava_1_0_x/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/Salava_1_0_x/
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/themes/Salava_1_0_x/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/dzinerstudio_urban/*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/dzinerstudio_urban/*.*
[dora@localhost Themes]$ 
chmod -R 777 /home/dora/public_html/smf/Themes/dzinerstudio_urban/ 

**** it's done. :)

psst :: it's great. (".)v