Thursday, December 13, 2012

Create a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) - Part01

This is the first asignment from my ankel. :)

1. download smf_2-0-2_install to lappy.
2. compress the file to smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2.
3. copy smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2 to server
  • 3.1 open vbox
  • 3.2 copy smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2 to server cmd ::scp smf_2-0-2_install tar.bz2 dora@
  • 3.3 check back :: ssh dora@server ls >> [dora@localhost ~]$ ls
  • 3.4 now make a new directory cmd :: mkdir -p public_html/smf check back :: ls public_html smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2
  • 3.5 cmd :: cp smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2 public_html/smf
  • 3.6 cd public_html/smf [dora@localhost smf]$ ls smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2
  • 4. compress the file.
       cmd :: tar xjf smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2

    Packages Sources  cache  install_2-0_sqlite.sql ssi_examples.php       SSI.php  Themes   index.php  license.txt  ssi_examples.shtml           Settings.php      agreement.txt  install.php  news_readme.html         subscriptions.php Settings_bak.php  attachments  install_2-0_mysql.sql readme.html       Smileys     avatars      install_2-0_postgresql.sql  smf_2-0-2_install.tar.bz2 

    5. After extract the file like the box above show,
       use this cmd once for a user :: chmod 711 $HOME
       noted : must do it again only to another user.

    6. Now back to root .
       su -
       cd /var/www/html then pwd
       ln -s /home/dora/public_html public_html <- link the file
       ls -1
    7. Open my safari :http://server/public_html/smf/install.php

    Now i can see SMF page is ready to setting up from my localhost. :)

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